Curriculum Overview

Here at The Cornerstone Academy Trust we offer a challenging learning environment that inspires children to achieve high standards and become lifelong independent learners. It sets consistently high expectations, builds children’s confidence and ensures engagement for all. We have an ethos of being fully inclusive and having unlimited aspirations for all our pupils.

In each school we aim to develop all pupils as creative thinkers, inquisitive questioners, avid problem solvers and successful communicators with flexible and transferable skills. Children learn to collaborate effectively at all levels, including working with our international partners, and to adapt to the needs of a diverse and ever-changing society.

You can browse the objectives by year by clicking below.

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English Curriculum
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Maths Curriculum
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STEM Curriculum
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If you would like more information about the Cornerstone Curriculum, email:

At Cornerstone Academy we aim to secure an outstanding education for every pupil.

Cornerstone creates challenging learning environments that inspire children to achieve high standards and become life-long learners and independent thinkers. Each individual child receives a curriculum personalised to their needs. We encourage parents/carers to have a supportive involvement in their child’s education; we provide training opportunities for parents/carers to give an understanding of software. In addition, there are active parent support groups that help run numerous events. 

A key benefit of multi-academy trusts is the ability to share facilities across schools. With Cornerstone, this ability further enhances the exceptional learning opportunities offered to our pupils, including a wide variety of outdoor, sporting, creative and entrepreneurial pursuits.

Cornerstone Academy Trust schools aim to nurture young people who are avid problem-solvers, successful communicators able to adapt to the needs of a diverse and fast-changing society.

Enriched Learning

We have developed and enriched the curriculum within the school day – and indeed extend the day significantly through a wide spectrum of further activities. The basics of reading, writing and arithmetic are at the heart of our curriculum, the KS1 phonics/reading scheme is Read Write Inc. We embrace technology as part of everyday teaching, embedding the use of digital tools within a broad and balanced education. We deliver the national curriculum in an exciting, innovative and creative way, combining focused, subject-based teaching, investigations and project-based activity.

We take full advantage of accessible local opportunities and the curriculum is broadened and balanced by:

• Learning through the outdoors – including field studies
• High quality sporting opportunities for both personal skills and team competitiveness
• Modern foreign languages – throughout the school – with a core thread throughout on Spanish
• High-quality creative arts – Art, Music, Drama, Dance, Performance, Recitals
• Presentations, speaking opportunities
• Entrepreneurial skills

Providing Balance

To ensure a balanced curriculum, we also have an extensive creative arts programme. The children can participate in musical theatre, access a dedicated art studio and teacher, sing with the choirs across all age groups and enjoy whole class and individual music lessons as well as dance classes. They also benefit from an active outdoor curriculum including forest school, an allotment and caring for school animals.


We ensure that there is 1:1 access to digital devices from Reception through to Year 6, alongside a vast range of devices that are used within our Nurseries. This achieves a ease of use in a variety of locations within school, home, and outdoor settings. We use other mobile digital devices to help with recording, filming, measuring, photographing etc

This creates a challenging computational learning environment where children will be taught from an early age to program, to develop good logical thinking skills, to solve problems and to collaborate effectively with their peers.


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